Orders are typically fulfilled and shipped within 2 weeks of your order being placed.
Use the link found in your original email for your student to order more prints, select products, or digital images. Your digital image(s) will be delivered to your Shutterfly account once your order has been completed and you’ll receive an email from Shutterfly alerting you to its arrival.
Rewards are only earned and used on portrait and product purchases made on the MyLifetouch.com website.
3x5 and Wallet standard prints include the year. Personalized text such as name and year may be added to collage prints.
Retouching is unavailable currently when purchasing MyCollection photos.
Yes, click on the Complete My Collection link found in each student’s email to start shopping. Change the student you’re shopping for using the drop down in the green banner located in the upper right of the page.
MyCollection photos only come with the standard blue background.
MyCollection is a new product from Lifetouch and we are in the early stages of the product rollout. We welcome any feedback you may have on the product during this early rollout phase. You can send us feedback through this product’s website or contact us directly.
Priority and Express shipping are unavailable. All MyCollection photo orders include $5 Economy shipping to your home. Note: Orders can only be shipped to Physical Addresses. We are unable to ship to PO Boxes.
Images are 2400x3000 pixels, with 300 DPI. Digital images print best in an 8”x10” format.
Digital images are available approximately 3-5 days from the date of your order. You’ll be notified via email when the images are available.
Digital images purchased from Lifetouch will be automatically and securely added to your Shutterfly account once you create (or migrate to) a Shutterfly Family of Brands account. We’ll send you an email whenever you have new images available.
If you're within the 3–5-day timeframe since your order was placed, your digital image may still be processing.
If you didn’t receive an email from Lifetouch+Shutterfly inviting you to view your digital image, you can start the claiming process here. Just enter the email address that you used to make your purchase and follow the instructions to access your digital images on Shutterfly.
Please contact our customer service team at 877-846-5012.
The Lifetouch copyright protects images it takes, similar to the policies used by moviemakers, video producers, and writers.
Customers may purchase a digital image which grants them the use of their images for legal, noncommercial purposes. The copyright release for any digital image you purchase will be available on Shutterfly.com along with your digital image(s).
Lifetouch uses this information to track an order for customer service and for security reasons.
We use your email address to communicate with you about your order. When you order on a Lifetouch website, we’ll email you a receipt. If your order includes digital images, we'll email you when they’re ready for download.
Lifetouch takes its responsibility as a custodian of school data very seriously. We store student photos for a reasonable length of time to give parents and guardians opportunities to purchase their child’s photos and offer our customers, like you, unique products to preserve school memories. If you would like Lifetouch to delete your personal information, you can find our deletion request form in our privacy notice on Lifetouch.com.